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Semester work assignment #1

 Russia-Ukraine: tentative progress at first talks for three years

The topic I’ve chosen is connected to the Russian-Ukrainian issue that’s been unresolved for 5 years since the Crimea incident. The question is very controversial and the relationships between the two countries were tense, and situation still has not changed so far these days. I'd like to consider two periods in its development: what happened before the meeting and after it. It is necessary to say a few words about a certain period importance of this event The majority of European countries and the USA still consider Russian annexation of Crimea as an illegal action towards Ukraine. As an immediate response to Russia, lots of them imposed their sanctions on the Russian Federation which then resulted in the deterioration of the situation.  Thus, Russia was expelled from the G8 for such inappropriate behavior which led to the rapid decrease in influence of the country on the world stage. In addition, in 2014, a missile was launched from the part of Ukranian territory controlled by pro-Russian separatists. As it was claimed, Russia was accused of downing MH17 and thus no chances were left to improve the issue. 

However, recently, in Paris, V. Putin and V. Zelenskiy together with A. Merkel and E. Macron have held a meeting related to the discussion on how to make any progress between Russia and Ukraine. Before the meeting, V. Zelenskiy at home was strongly criticized for making an attempt to have a constructive dialog with V. Putin. As lots of officials predicted, an agreement on prisoner exchanges and absolute ceasefire were the main topics debated about.  In particular, there have been discussions on the Ukrainian border which is now being held by Russian soldiers who allow people to move from Ukraine to Russia. After several hours of negotiations, V. Putin is now convinced that the conversation they’ve had puts both countries on the right track. Both sides pledged to work intensely on clearing the south-eastern parts of Ukraine from mines, let the Red Cross visit all prisoners and evaluate the conditions they are detained in. On the other hand, a big obstacle to the talks was V. Putin’s constant reference to the Minsk agreements which he said Kiev must stick to.

All things considered, there has been a subtle but vital progress between the two sides. Moreover, E.Macron and A.Merkel were intermediaries who undoubtedly contributed a lot to the possible reconciliation of the countries. The meeting also has a great chance of establishing strong links between all the countries involved in this process in the nearest future because the next appointment is going to happen in four months in Berlin.

The reference pages:

1) Roth, A. “Russia-Ukraine: Tentative Progress at First Talks for Three Years.” 10 Dec. 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/10/russia-ukraine-tentative-progress-at-first-talks-for-three-years.

2) “MH17 Flight.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17.

3) “G7.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_of_Seven.

4) “ International Committee of the Red Cross;” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Red_Cross_and_Red_Crescent_Movement.

5) “Russian annexation of Crimea.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Crimea_by_the_Russian_Federation.

6) “Minsk Protocol.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minsk_Protocol.


  1. Nikita,

    you have schosen to dicusss a very sensitive political issue and considered it from several perspectives, though because of the length of your work you couldn't go deeper into the discussion of the question.

    One aspect of your work in need of revision is reference formatting. Here is an example of a correct reference:

    Roth, A. “Russia-Ukraine: Tentative Progress at First Talks for Three Years.” 10 Dec. 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/10/russia-ukraine-tentative-progress-at-first-talks-for-three-years.

    Remamber to use the CitationMachine (http://www.citationmachine.net) if you are not sure about formatting details

  2. Nikita,

    you have done a lot of work writing this essay. Can you explain what its purpose is? What did you want to achieve by writing it? It will help me to comment on it

    Things to consider:

    I'd like to consider it **from two periods > to consider 2 periods in its development

    it’s been a subtle but vital progress > there has been

    This is a fragment: In particular, the Ukrainian border which is now being held by Russian soldiers who allow people to move from Ukraine to Russia > add the predicate

    consider Russian annexation

    about a certain period importance of this event: not sure what you mean
    launched from the part of ART territory
    an agreement on prisoner **changes (WW)

    1. 1. prisoner EXchanges. Corrected that one.
      2. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate to people that there is a hope that relations between Russia and Ukraine might be somehow improved and some mutually beneficial agreements can be made. Consequently, the meeting was the very first step to at least find this equilibrium so that relationships can be developed in the nearest future.
      3. About the fragment: I've decided to reconstruct the first part of the sentence. Could you check the sentence now, please?
      4. Not sure what you meant by annexation. I assume I should add 'Russian'.
      5. A certain period: I wrote ' a missile was launched from the part of Ukranian territory controlled by pro-Russian separatists.' I didn't write the word 'art'.

    2. **from two periods > to consider 2 periods in its development- Corrected.

      it’s been a subtle but vital progress > there has been - Corrected.

  3. I see, thanks. It's become clearer with your explanation.

    5. It's my comment:it refers to article use

  4. Nikita,

    as I have mentioned before, you have chosen a very difficult topic to consider and put a lot of effort into making it persuasive. The conclusion can be improved, though. Let me remind you that there are special techniques to start and finish your piece of writing in a way that will appeal to the readers. Here is a link to the list: http://writing2.richmond.edu/writing/wweb/conclude.html
    Content: 5
    Organisation: 5
    Mechanics: 5
    Language: 5
    Referencing: 5


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